Prof.Dr. Rajendra Kumar lsaac



Rajendra Kumar Isaac is natural resource Management / Agricultural water Management and System design Specialist with 33 years of experience in Academics, Research, extension, Project Development, Advisory and consultancy. He has presently focusing his research and extension on UN sustainable Development Goals. He was also involved in administrative work in the University and served as, Coordinator, Joint Director, Associate Director and University Board of Director, and also served as member to various policy level committees and positions Like Board of Studies, Institute Council and University Academic Council. He has chaired many Student Advisory committees of Post Graduate and Doctoral Research committees. His research and Advisory interest includes Integrated Water Resource Management, Agriculture Water Management, Wetland Management, Watershed Management, Hydrologic Modeling, Rainfall Runoff modelling, Land use Water resource Optimization, Decision support Systems and Expert Systems. He has 18 Ph.D.’s and 80 M.Tech. thesis and more than 150 research papers on his credit. He has published extensively in international referred journals and has written many book chapters. He has delivered many Research Presentations/Plenary Session/Key note addresses in National and International Conferences including India, Australia, London (U.K.), France, Russia, Turkey, Philippines etc. He has chaired the Organizing committee of 1st and 2nd 3rd International River Summit, India, held in 2016, 2019 and 2022, Chaired and organized the World Congress 2021 on Water Climate and Agriculture and various other National Organizing committees. He has chaired a Conference Session at London. He is also the Fellow of Institution of Engineers India, Indian Water Resource Society, River Water User Association and the Life Member (7) and member (13) of various National and International Professional bodies. Rewiver and editor of national and International Journals and was the Guest Editor of Special Issue of Journal, World Water Policy, He also organized and Chaired many national (16) and International Conferences (8) and workshops (4). He has received AusAid Fellowship twice (2009 and 2013) from River symposium Australia and many awards including Best Reviewer by springer link and He is also the founder President of River Water User Association (India).and country Director AAASIAN Varun Mitra Water Information, Advocacy and Advisory Project and Chief Executive Officer (Hony.) of International River-Basin Foundation. He is also the Founder of Indian River’s Day 27th September.